Hand-painted seat cushion, raspberryPi, customised keyboard and monitor
Programming by Robert Thomas
How can we describe to each other our unique hearing acuity, which varies from person to person? And how can it be visualised? Explaining the technicalities of audiology and sound identification exhausts the conversation. Instead, I suggest Phoneme Terminal 1.0 - an interactive installation that allows visitors to read how I hear. Get comfortable on the yellow cushion, type a thought, a greeting, or a secret, and try to read what comes out.

Program screenshot

Typed sentences by the audience with missing letters

Installation view at Frölunda Kulturhus, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2020-2021

Installation view at Frölunda Kulturhus, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2020-2021

Installation view (detail, keyboard) at Frölunda Kulturhus, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2020-2021

Installation view (seat and desk detail) at Frölunda Kulturhus, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2020-2021

Installation view at Frölunda Kulturhus, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2020-2021